Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The "Gaza Flotilla" - Terrorism or Civil Disobedience?

The "Gaza Flotilla" - Terrorism or Civil Disobedience?
Ambassador (ret.) Yoram Ettinger, "Second Thought"
Straight from the Jerusalem Cloakroom #235, May 31, 2010

Tell me who are your supporters/organizers and I’ll tell who you are!

Israel’s Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center sheds light on
the nature of Turkey’s IHH, the chief organizer of the flotilla to
Gaza :

1. The radical Islamic, anti-Western IHH - the chief supporter of the
flotilla to Gaza - poses as a humanitarian relief fund (Turkish
Humanitarian Relief Foundation), while supporting Hamas and several
Jihadist organizations in Bosnia, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya,
Algeria, Chechnya, etc..

2. The IHH initiated a number of “humanitarian aid” convoys to anti-US
Islamic terrorists in Iraq’s Fallujah Triangle.

3. According to the Danish Institute for international Studies, IHH
is connected to Al Qaeda and global Islamic terrorism. The Istanbul
office of IHH was raided, and IHH activists were arrested, by the
Turkish security services. Explosives, IED (Improvised Explosive
Device) manuals, weapons and Afghanistan-oriented documents were
confiscated during the raid.

4. According to a French intelligence report, Bulent Yildirim, the
president of IHH, recruited “Jihad warriors” and transferred money,
firearms and explosives to Al Qaeda and other Islamic terrorists in
various countries. Yildirim made telephone calls to European “shelter
apartments,” which were used by Islamic terrorists, including Abu
el-Ma’ali, known as “Junior Ben-Laden.” IHH produced documents, which
facilitated air travel by Islamic terrorists, posing as relief
workers. IHH was connected to Ahmed Ressam, an Islamic terrorist, who
attempting to smuggle 1320 pounds of explosives and plant them at the
Los Angeles International Airport.

5. Bulent Yildirim embraced the world view of the Muslim Brotherhood
(the mentor of Hamas in Gaza) and has been a systematic supporter of
and collaborator with Hamas. He has transferred significant amount
of money to Hamas and its “charitable societies” and has promoted
during major Hamas events in Turkey armed struggle against the
Jewish State.


1. Gaza is a bastion of Iran and Syria-supported Hamas terrorism,
launching thousands of missiles at Israel, kidnapping Israel’s Gilad
Shalit and smuggling into Gaza terrorists, more precise and longer
range missiles, explosives and other lethal elements. Efforts have
been made to minimize such smuggling via Sinai and from the

2. Israel’s aim of cooperation was demonstrated by Jerusalem’s offer
to allow the “Gaza Flotilla” to reach its destination (in spite of the
daily flow to Gaza via Israel - of food, oil, cement and multitude
of products) following a thorough examination of its content.

3. The “Gaza Flotilla” aim of confrontation was demonstrated by its
rejection of Jerusalem’s offer and by the handguns, knives,
screwdrivers, iron pipes and a gun employed by terrorists on board.
Confrontation has been the goal of the “Gaza Flotilla,” as evidenced
by the campaign of anti-Israel incitement carried out by its personnel
and sponsors.

4. The Israeli soldiers were prepared for a peaceful-takeover in face
of (erroneously-assumed) civil disobedience. Therefore, they were
equipped with paintball guns as the primary weapon and handguns as an
emergency weapon, to be used only if facing death. They resorted to
handguns in response to an attempted lynch by the scores of
terrorists, who assaulted the soldiers with iron pipes, knives,
screwdrivers and a gun. Handguns were snatched from soldiers, by the
lynching mob, and were directed at the soldiers. Five boats were taken
over peacefully and one (with 600 passengers) became an arena of
confrontation between Israeli soldiers and terrorists. Israeli
restraint minimized fatalities among terrorists.

5. The responsibility for the fatalities and casualties lies at the
doorstep of the IHH, other supporters of the “Gaza Flotilla,” the UN
and multitude of governments, which could but would not stop the

6. Would NATO allow a “humanitarian aid” convoy, organized by the
radical Islamic anti-Western IHH, to travel unchecked to a Taliban
stronghold?! Would Germany, Italy or France allow such a convoy to
reach “Baader Meinhoff”, “Red Brigade” or “Action Direct” terrorist

7. The “Gaza Flotilla” highlights the role of the Jewish State as the
outpost of Western democracies in face of Islamic terrorist offensive.
De-legitimizing and weakening Israel the role model of counter
terrorism would be a tailwind for Islamic terrorists the role
model of international terrorism - facilitating their assault on the
Free World. It’s not a clash over Gaza; it’s a clash of civilizations!

Women For Israel's Tomorrow (Women in Green)
POB 7352, Jerusalem 91072, Israel
Tel: 972-2-624-9887 Fax: 972-2-624-5380